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Event: Professor Gian Paolo Barbetta on estimating the impact of philanthropic activity

23.01.2023 I Professor Gian Paolo Barabetta discussed the importance of philanthropic activity and the need for foundations to invest in impact

Press release: On the State and General Condition of Civil Society in Germany

Berlin | 10.08.2022 | English Translation of Opusculum 159 Public awareness for civil society is mushrooming in Germany as everywhere. When the new federal …

Recommendations for the organisors of the Conference over the Future of Europe (CoFoE)

29 July 2022 | “A vibrant and independent civil society, in an open civic space, is vital for a healthy democracy, strong social justice, and

European civil society in the public sphere: an update

01.08.2022 I A roundtable at this year’s ISTR conference outlined the current civil society landscape in Europe and the challenges facing the sphere Dr. …

Listening is not enough: An assessment of the Feedback Loop Methodology

Opusculum 165 | 13.07.2022 | Luisa Bonin | The CEOs of most foundations see “listening to and learning from those they seek to help as a path to greater …

Portuguese adaptation of the Philanthropy.Insight project

Opusculum 166 | 13.07.2022 | Luisa Bonin | Portuguese adaptation of the Philanthropy.Insight project: Confiança na filantropia: uma ferramenta de …

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