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White paper to guide future research in response to CSOs knowledge needs

17.04.2023 I Academics, researchers and other civil society stakeholders discuss the sector's connection to European

German Chancellor Fellow Luisa Bonin shares her thoughts on Brazil’s election results

11.11.2022 I Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has won the Brazilian presidential elections On 30 October 2022, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the Brazilian

Press release: On the State and General Condition of Civil Society in Germany

Berlin | 10.08.2022 | English Translation of Opusculum 159 Public awareness for civil society is mushrooming in Germany as everywhere. When the new federal …

European civil society in the public sphere: an update

01.08.2022 I A roundtable at this year’s ISTR conference outlined the current civil society landscape in Europe and the challenges facing the sphere Dr. …

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