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European Commission consultation on the right to associate

30.08.2022 | The EU wants to modify its legislation for associations’ cross-border work >> Find out more about the initiative and share your views …

Recommendations for the organisors of the Conference over the Future of Europe (CoFoE)

29 July 2022 | “A vibrant and independent civil society, in an open civic space, is vital for a healthy democracy, strong social justice, and

European civil society in the public sphere: an update

01.08.2022 I A roundtable at this year’s ISTR conference outlined the current civil society landscape in Europe and the challenges facing the sphere Dr. …

2022 CIVICUS State of Civil Society Report

06.07.2022 I New CIVICUS report ‘State of Civil Society’ identifies global trends and shines a light on human rights abuses  CIVICUS, a global …

New Bertelsmann Foundation study on the institutionalisation of European Citizens’ Assemblies

05.07.2022 I New Bertelsmann Foundation study on the institutionalisation of European Citizens’ Assemblies  The Bertelsmann Foundation has just …

Think7 Summit Communique

14. Juni 2022 | Think7 Summit Communique by Rupert Graf Strachwitz: Some Comments with regard to the role of Civil Society >> Download full version …

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