
Whoever wants to establish their own foundation has lots of possibilities. They range from gifts in the form of donations, membership of an association and donations to an existing foundation to founding one’s own under various legal forms. Making an investment donation, developing it and having it be effective in the future is something special. In what follows, we will discuss this further.

General Information about foundations

>> Background information on foundations (in German)

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Marie-Christine Schwager-Duhse und Team

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Current articles on the topic:

  • Where does German Humanitarian Assistance stand? Wo steht die deutsche humanitäre Hilfe?

    Opusculum 129 | 01.05.2019 | Where does German Humanitarian Assistance stand? Ralf Südhoff and Sonja Hövelmann on the stand of german humanitarian help
  • The Shrinking Space of Civil Society: a Report on Trends, Responses, and the Role of Donors

    Opusculum 128 | 01.04.2010 | Civil society is one of the main arenas of the democratization. However, in recent years the political space of civil society has become narrower and does not contribute to effective operation of civil society organisations (CSOs). Due to repression by governments, civil society organisations are encountering a series of challenges, which may extend to closing down the organisations. 
  • Based on need alone? Impartiality in humanitarian action

    Opusculum 121 | 05.10.2018 | This collection of texts that examines how the core humanitarian principle of impartiality is dealt with in theory and in practice, and each author develops the theme in a different way. The essays seek to build a bridge between research and practice on the one hand, and between the international discussion and the debate in Germany on the other.
  • The Role of Civil Society in the Tunisian Transformation Process

    Opusculum 122 | 01.11.2018 | Political transformation scholars identified a new object of research through the course of the so-called “Arab Spring” that began in 2010 -the democratization of Arab countries. In Tunisia it resulted in a dmeocratic system. Simon Rothers investigates the importance and role of civil society during the transformation process in Tunisia