
Whoever wants to establish their own foundation has lots of possibilities. They range from gifts in the form of donations, membership of an association and donations to an existing foundation to founding one’s own under various legal forms. Making an investment donation, developing it and having it be effective in the future is something special. In what follows, we will discuss this further.

General Information about foundations

>> Background information on foundations (in German)

Our projects on foundations

Current projects

Ongoing projects

News on foundations


Marie-Christine Schwager-Duhse und Team

Monthly Information


Current articles on the topic:

  • Good luck, Brits! A message from Germany

    Britain will need time to reflect on what has happened – to adjust to the many changes brought about by Brexit, and to prepare for all the challenges that still lie ahead. At the Munich Security Conference, the UK government was hardly visible. If this is what is meant by ‘taking back control’, and if Britain uses its new position to look inward rather than outward, that is an alarming prospect indeed, given all the common security and defence challenges at play.
  • Colombia’s Negative Peace – A Challenge for Civil Society? A Dossier on the Struggle of the Global South with its Heritage and Post-Modernization

    Opusculum 130 | 01.02.2020 | This dossier is about Colombia’s current status of the peace contract, what has been accomplished, and what remains to be done; about conflict lines and reconciliation strategies; about how peace researchers, journalists and human rights workers assess the situation; and about peace-making efforts of civil society in Colombia and Germany.
  • The King, Religion, the State, and Civil society in Morocco: Can Think Tanks Help?

    Opusculum 133 | 01.02.2020 | Hind Arroub on the relationship between politics and religion in Morocco and how it is framed by the monopoly and religious dominance of the monarchy. Is there any space, albeit a narrow one, for Moroccan civil society to participate in shaping religious policy?
  • Feminist Philanthropy

    More funding for ‘women and girls’ is necessary but not sufficient. What philanthropy really needs is a feminist consciousness – a vision which places women’s rights front and centre, challenges political norms and economic orders, shifts power to the most marginalised and interrogates the social construction of gender.