
Religious Communities and Civil Society – A Legal Perspective

Observatorium 15 | 01.09.2017 | The role of religious communities in European society is undergoing fundamental changes. Faced with a growing secularization of …

Greater Britain? What Role for Civil Society?

Observatorium 14 | 30.04.2017 |  When on the morning of 24th June, 2016, Europe and the world realized that the referendum in the United Kingdom

Europe and the Mediterranean: Talking, Learning, Working, and Living Together 5

Europe Bottom-Up Nr. 19 | 27.04.2017 I Dr. Udo Steinbach I A Conference in Heraklion/Crete, Greece 24th to 27th April, 2017, Conference Papers (Part

Europe and the Mediterranean. Talking, Learning, Working, and Living Together 4

Europe Bottom-Up Nr. 18 | 26.04.2017 I Dr. Udo Steinbach I A Conference in Heraklion/Crete, Greece 24 to 27 April 2017, Conference Papers (Part

Turning philanthropy sideways: from vertical to horizontal philanthropy

Observatorium 13 | 01.04.2017 | The concept of philanthropy is usually identified with the vertical flow of resources from those of high net wealth (the …

Europe and the Mediterranean. Talking, Learning, Working, and Living Together 3

Europe Bottom-Up Nr.17 | 24.03.2017 I Dr. Udo Steinbach I A Conference in Heraklion/Crete, Greece 24-27 April 2017, Conference Papers (Part

Lebenssinn und Erbe

Maecenata Schriften I Band 12 I In den modernen Gesellschaften des Westens nimmt das Übertragen von materiellen und immateriellen Gütern auf eine …

A Shrinking Space for Civil Society? A Conference on Civil Society and Europe‘s Political Culture Wrocław, Poland, October 2016.

Europe Bottom Up-Nr.15 | 01.10.2016 I Anna Domaradzka, Nino Kavelashvili, Eszter Markus, Philipp Sälhoff, Maria Skóra I A Shrinking Space for Civil Society? …

„Mehr kulturelles Selbst- bewusstsein wagen!“ Dankesrede anlässlich der Verleihung des Kulturgroschen 2016 durch den Deutschen Kulturrat

Europe Bottom Up-Nr.14 | 21.09.2016 I Wolfgang Thierse I „Mehr kulturelles Selbst- bewusstsein wagen!“ Dankesrede anlässlich der Verleihung des …

Der Einsatz von ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeitern in deutschen Museen

Opusculum 91 | 01.03.2016 | Studie zur Arbeit von Ehrenamtlichen in deutschen