Diaspora Philanthropie in Deutschland

Call for Submissions for the 6th Annual Symposium on Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society

13.05.2022 | The Muslim Philanthropy Initiative (MPI) at the Indiana University Lilly School of Philanthropy has put out a call for submissions for its 6th …

Wrap Up Berliner Stiftungswoche

10.05.2022 I Wrap Up Berliner Stiftungswoche | From 19-29 April the Maecenata Foundation participated in the Berliner Stiftungswoche. Every year this event …

Philanthropy, Endowments and Sustainable Social Development in Egypt

Maecenata Schriften |  Band 21 | 2022 What are the current philantropic practices in Egypt? What is the waqf system and how can it support innovation? …

Berliner Stiftungswoche: Wir sind dabei – mit drei Veranstaltungen

06.04.2022 | Maecenata Stiftung mit drei Veranstaltungen auf der Berliner Stiftungswoche vertreten Wir freuen uns sehr, auch in diesem Jahr wieder Teil der …

Are Foundations Hijacking Philanthropy? Why Philanthropy is about more than Donors and Foundations.

Observatorium 56 | 13.10.2021 | Rupert Graf Strachwitz is writing about how the idea of philanthropy has changed and which of its characteristic aspects have …